Monday, June 14, 2010

My All in All

I spent hours last night talking and listening to God and can I just say...He is AWESOME!!!!!!

I am so ready Lord....ready to give You everything I am!! Take all of me...use me. I am yours.

Whether its a risk, a chance, a mission, or just living each moment for me the Way!!!

I will follow You. I will live for You. I will die for You. I am loosing myself in You.

Hear is the song that my heart is singing:

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name

Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising up again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm Falling In Love

Do you know what the most incredible grace in the world is? When Jesus speaks directly to your soul. I am so amazed that He cares enough about me that when He sees that I am drifting away, He takes all measures to get me back. Sometimes it might take a shock. It might take pain and suffering to get me back...but He does. It hit me the other day when I was talking to my mom about my highschool years, that I haven't been the easiest daughter to
My mom would never say that but looking back on everything I have done and every crazy path I've traveled on, my parents have shown the greatest love and support all along the way!
The point is, sometimes you've gotta fall down before you realize that its no one's fault but your own that you've hit the ground AGAIN. Whenever I seem to loose control of my life, its than that God intervenes and takes control. It astonishes me that I keep on trying to take control when all I need to do is turn to my Father in Heaven and say "I trust you"
It all comes down to surrender in the end...surrendering everything to God.

I have big news...I am falling in love!!! And its the greatest gift in the world!
He makes me want to get up and scream how much I love Him!!! I am falling in love with a perfect man. I am falling in love with a king. I am falling in love with my Creator. I am falling in love with a man who wants me to be with Him forever...eternity!!
I am falling in love with Jesus Christ.
So why not let Him be your love? He's mine. I am falling so in love with Him. Seriously, if you are not falling in love right now...listen to Him. He is proposing to you right now!
It is time to discover the life-changing intimacy with Jesus that you are called to and the ultimate love relationship of all time!! No matter what your age or love status, you are His bride and the very object of His affections. The secret to an abundant life lies not in steps, rules, or other people, but in developing a deep love relationship with Jesus, letting His intoxicating love bring life to you, and abandoning yourself to the greatest romance of your life!!
Personally, when I check my deepest desires out and I dig the root of everything lies this wild desire to belong to Him and to love him. Falling in love can be hard because of trusting and because as human beings we do fail each other. So falling in love with Christ should be the easiest most wonderful experience in the world! He is trust. He is love. He is safety and peace and everything our hearts long for. There comes a time when everything fades around us and as we watch our walls fall down, we realize we are'nt strong enough and we no longer feel safe. But if Jesus Christ is the center of our lives and we are in love (in a personal relationship) with Him, He will raise us above all our pains, our failings and other's failings as well and we will stand unbroken before Him.
Personally, I want to loose myself in Him and let Him capture my heart. I know I am tired of running away because love doesn't seem safe. Love will be safe when your ONE TRUE LOVE is Christ.
(Yet another thing I have heard my mom say over and over and over again..."He is my only true love." - Her solution to everything and it is pretty amazing)
The answer to everything is Jesus. So lock eyes with Him and He will take care of everything around you!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Take A Trip Through My Head haha

I was thinking today about what makes life so beautiful and how we should all make the best out of it! Who knows, if I was to get into my car and get in an accident and die, would my time here have been as precious as it should have been and did I live to the standards that would send my soul into the loving embrace of Christ? What about the people I love? Did I love them to the fullest and give them everything that I could? When it comes to love...I want to give it like Jesus did, and at the end of my life I want to know that I did EVERYTHING I could to show true love and charity to those around me.
And than I was thinking about caring what people think. So many people I know have been caught under that sad weight. Honestly, stop caring! It really will set you free! Stop being weighed down by someone else's opinion. Your you, darn it! Your not him and you most certainly aren't her, so just be you and you will find that you live the best when you are living your own life. I've been there and done that and trust me, only when you live for Christ, for love, and you do what YOU love and what inspires you, can you truly live.

And when life throws a hard one at me, I truly believe that giving up is not an option. I have been surrounded by people who fail because they except failure as an option when it is not. You'd be surprised what tough stuff our hearts, minds, and wills are made of. You know what? If you don't know that you have been defeated, you haven't been. So why not let the way you handle hardships mold your character and turn you into a strong and loving person? The first step is facing your problems. It does'nt matter if you created them or if other people are creating them for you. Somehow that pain and that problem has become yours. I used to look at any kind of pain or hurt like a stranger. Thats because I had never felt it deeply and I never knew what to do with it on my own. But I eventually did and at that moment I knew I had the choice to give it to Christ and live in peace, or break beneath its heavy weight. Why not give it all to God? Give your life to Him. Give your love to Him. Give your pain and hurt to Him. Give your joy to Him. And when you realize that His hands have been outstreched from day one...give your heart to Him and let Him embrace you! And don't let anyone convince you that giving up or being comfortable enough not to try harder, is a path to choose. That's the devil right there. Don't ever stop moving foward and growing and loving more than you did yesterday and hoping and dreaming.
And live life to the fullest...enjoy all those little gifts God gives you. For example, stop for a minute and listen to the birds singing. Maybe its sitting in the park and closing your eyes and feeling the sun on your face. Or maybe its just getting away and going fishing. Or maybe your weird like me and you get a rush from sitting on the beach, drinking coffee and enjoying a sunrise or (I hope I'm not out of place...I am an Italian) enjoying a sunset, drinking a little wine with some expresso choclate and laughing with my family.
I don't know if going from living like your going to die, to coffee, wine and choclate made any sense to you...but welcome to my crazy head haha
What I'm trying to say is: Live, Love, Laugh and do it all in the loving embrace of your Father in Heaven!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Christian Music

Just as classical music moves me, Christian music really hits home. Christian music is the principles and morals of our faith, and the true meaning of life, set to music. How awesome is that? I am so grateful for all of those talented and gifted musicians who go out and spread the faith through music. It is an undeniable and beautiful gift that we, as Christians, should take total advantage of.
I was very gifted to see Third Day, Toby Mac, Sanctus Real, Sara Groves, Mat Maher, Casting Crowns, and other Christian Bands in concert. Last time I saw Third Day was when The Pope came to New Jersey. It was a truly amazing experience, and now Third Day is coming to New Jersey again on June 5 for their Revelation tour. Anyone who knows me, knows that Third Day rocks my world. If you are gonna rock...rock for Jesus!
Check out "Born Again" by Third Day
this song got me through painful and joyful times:

and if you ever wondered what love is exactly, listen to my seconf favorite song:

The Beauty of Music

This song is just one beautiful example of how music can touch the depths of one's heart and bring light to that part of you that has never felt light. With music, you have to let it flow over you and through you and feel it around you. You have to really feel the intensity and joy it brings. Music is one of those gifts that God has given to us and it should always be thought of as one of the greatest gifts. In a way, music and faith can go hand in hand. I know that I am passionate about my faith and my love for God. I am passionate about music as well. There is a beauty and art to music and love. I believe that there is an art to loving and persevering, just as there is an art to music.
Personally, my life experiences come out in the music I play and there is a very sensitive part of me that music alone can touch. The art to express oneself through music and to let it relate to your every pain and joy, is in every human person's DNA. It is a part of who we are.